IIT Co-founder/Leader – Delia

Delia Hayden

In It Together Co-founder/Leader

About Delia...

When I saw my top character strengths are Spirituality, Love of Learning, Gratitude, Perspective and Love, it was clear that they are reflected in who I am, how I got here, and what I do.

I am a Certified Master Coach and seasoned leader with expertise in team and performance management, building leadership capacity, organizational growth and change, training program design and implementation, business operations, sales and service delivery,

My educational background focuses on executive leadership, applied positive psychology, Narrative Coaching, emotional intelligence, mindfulness-based stress-reduction, and cognitive/behavioral science. 

I have offered a leadership coaching practice for over six years and am currently an active coach at Cisco
Systems. I also founded QC Coach, an independent coaching, training, and leadership consulting business with
clients world-wide.

I live in San Francisco, California. I am dedicated to a daily fitness and meditation practice; Mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body).

Join me and the other In It Together Facilitators for a fun and supportive experience in group coaching. Let us help you to develop a healthy mind in a healthy body!


Coach Delia also consults & trains...


  • Business & Leadership Consulting Services

  • Targeted Training Webinars & Team-focused Learning Experiences

  • Executive/Founder/Non-profit Strategy Sessions

  • 1:1 Narrative Coaching

Contact Info

Website : QCoach.com
Email : info@QCoach.com